An ode to January

I recently said to Tom that January is one of my favourite months, and it may be an unpopular opinion, but it’s true. I enjoy the colder weather, the quieter evenings, the freshness of the new year and new month.

Many people find January a depressing month and ‘Blue Monday’, the third Monday of January, is heralded as the most depressing day of the entire year! Think of that! Whether or not that is true or just a marketing campaign to encourage yet more online shopping I’m not sure. But what I do know is that many people struggle in January.

There are many reasons for their struggles. People are often low on funds after a splurge at Christmas, and an early payday because of the bank holidays in December mean that they are more stretched financially in January. There is this sort of ‘come down’ that people feel emotionally as their social calendar is emptier than a busy December of work parties and meet ups with friends and family. There is a certain type of weather in January - often grey, drizzly and cold. A feeling of not wanting to go out and hibernating can settle over some.

But I want to tell you all the reasons that I love January.

  1. The social pressure is off. As an introvert I find that the high level of socialising in December takes a lot out of me. I just love the fact that in January there are less social events and less pressure to meet with others constantly.

  2. I love getting cosy when the weather is bad outside. Give me a wood burner, a blanket and a cup of tea and I’m in my happy place.

  3. Sometimes, January can provide unexpected - and therefore all the more exceptional - blue sky sunny days. They make me beam with happiness.

  4. The new year heralds in a new motivation for me. I find myself full of ideas and projects that I can’t wait to start.

  5. Because I tend to keep my calendar free throughout January, I find that I have so much more time than any other month of the year and I use that time very productively.

  6. The new year makes me feel I’ve turned a corner in the seasons and all of a sudden spring doesn’t feel too far away.

  7. The days begin to get longer but there is still a sense of wintry darkness - the good kind of darkness - that cloaks January days and brings me a sort of peaceful calm.

  8. I begin to realise just how close I am to doing all those plans I’ve made for spring and summer, which brings me excitement.

  9. Being frugal brings me a sense of contentment; the bank balance being lower means that I have to reign in my spending and reminds me that I don’t actually need that much stuff.

  10. After the over-indulgence of December I find that my body and mind require detoxes which make me feel healthy and replenished.

In January last year I remember being so productive I wrote chunks of my first book each day. And this January has been no different for book number two, amongst other exciting projects and journeys I’ve begun.

I often long for the turning of the year and for the new month to arrive whilst in the midst of Christmas chaos. I’ve started to think of January as a friend, an ally, a guide. I look forward to her arrival each year.

So goodbye January. Thank you for everything you nourished me with in 2024. I can’t wait to see you next year.


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