Housesitting Horizons #3

Hey all! Here’s the third instalment of my housesitting horizons posts (shorter updates) which I’ve added whilst at Housesit number 17 in Andalusia, Spain…

I’m afraid I haven’t posted one of these for a while for a combination of reasons -

1) Tom and I both had a difficult couple of weeks. We felt isolated, lonely and quite down for a while in the middle there. As some of you know, Tom’s dad passed away recently and the isolation (location and language) of this housesit hasn’t helped us process things. Our feelings definitely impacted our productivity and motivation!

2) We had some plans whilst here which were incredible and included a trip to the beach in Portugal, a trip to Huelva for a nose around, a trip to Seville to do some sightseeing and a trip to Portugal to see our friends, which were much needed but kept us very busy.

3) I’ve been poorly for the last week of our sit - I’ve got tonsillitis! This kept me bed-bound for a while until I plucked up the courage to go to out of hours emergency centre and use google translate to explain what I needed. Antibiotics have kicked in now, and hoping to be back to normal in a few days time.

Anywhooo, I’m back, and I hope you’re all doing well!

Housesit 17 is coming to an end this Wednesday and we are moving on to Cadiz for a few days and then on to Morocco (eek, exciting!). In the interest of keeping it short here are my final points…

This housesit has taught us many things -

  • We could actually get on board with a small dog - Rasmus is just the cutest, but we’d never been keen on little dogs before!

  • Sometimes going somewhere they don’t speak any English can be exciting and adventurous, sometimes it can be the most isolating and frustrating thing there is - it often depends on how you feel at the time

  • In this region of Spain, the churros and chocolate are enshrined in law (ok they’re not but they should be as they’re bloody amazing!!!)

  • You can actually try clothes on before you buy them at the local market but the “changing room” is the back of the stallholders van with all the doors open…

  • No matter how hard you try and relax in a yoga meditation you simply can’t if you have no idea what they are saying (the class was entirely in Spanish… I ended up planning my day in these bits of the lessons!)

So, as we’re almost-outta-here, this’ll be my last horizons for housesit 17. It’s been a helluva housesit. We’ll miss you sooo much Rasmus, Rosie & Billy Joe, but I’m not sure we’ll miss the decapitated animals you brought us as gifts, the endless ants that infested the house or the 40+ Celsius temperatures.

Hasta la vista, Aracena.


The Wimbledon Queue


Housesitting Horizons #2